Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Letter to Jingle

     Today we wrote Jingle, our elf, a letter.  In it we asked him to let the Big Guy know that many of us need new school supplies: glue sticks, crayons, homework folders and the like.  I hope he passes the message along.

     Remember, Friday we will be walking to the movies and having our holiday party.  Please pack an extra party snack.  Keep in mind we aren't allowed to pass out food to our friends.

     Like to plan ahead?  After vacation, I will be asking each child to bring in a picture of themselves for a writing assignment.  Be sure it's not just a head shot because they will be writing about where they are and what they are doing.  It doesn't have to be a recent photo.

    Two more wake-ups before vacation.  Whoo hoo!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Workshop

     Tuesday we will be visiting the Holiday Workshop.  The students will be able to purchase gifts for their immediate family members for a dollar a piece.  Mrs. Wackrow does an excellent job organizing this event and the kids have lots of fun shopping.  No worries if your child forgets his/her money tomorrow, there will be a make up day on Wednesday.

     We are still practicing our shapes and addition with regrouping.  The students have nailed the addition.  Those shapes are super tricky though.

     Jingle has been behaving.  We are slightly worried that he may be stuck in his place because he didn't move over the weekend.  We will find out tomorrow.  If he's in the same spot, we may have to come up with a plan to free him safely.

     Our field trip has been moved to Friday.  I hope we don't get snowed out again.  I LOVE snow but REALLY want to see that movie.

     Also on Friday we will have our party.  Please pack your child an extra party snack and drink.

     I hope you appreciate this week's homework.  I thought it may make this holiday season less stressful for both students and their families.  HO HO HO

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


     Today was very exciting.  We did some addition with regrouping for the first time and the kids ROCKED it!!!!  Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


     This week just keeps getting better.  I received these beauties to kick off my birthday week.  You are never to old to celebrate your birthday and feel special.  These certainly made me feel special.  I told the children my age, I'll be thirty-two.  Which is apparently younger than most of you because they ALL announced your ages when they were comparing how much younger I am than their parents.  LOVED IT

     There was a rumor that Mrs. Zotolli could be persuaded to let the school go to see the movie Frozen.  We wrote her letters trying to convince her and it worked!!!  See the letter she sent us back below.

     This morning Jingle got into a little mischief.  He scattered our warm fuzzies around to make room in the jar for himself.  The kids thought that was hysterical but I was none to please with the mess he made.  I expect him to be on best behavior tomorrow.

     We have read a few Anansi tales.  Anansi is a trickster.  Ask about some of the pranks he plays.  One story had a some metaphors in it, so we decided to come up with a few of our own.  In the other story, Anansi gets a taste of his own medicine.

         To make tomorrow even better, it's PJ Day.  Be comfy and bring in $1 to donate to Woburn Council of Social Concern.  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!

Monday, December 2, 2013


     Today was very exciting.  First thing this morning, we were invited to a special class on light presented by the Discovery Museum and sponsored by the PTO.  It was great fun.  We learned that color was a form on energy.  We used prisms, magnifying glasses, made tops, reflected colors (but not black), and had fun.  Did you know that chromatography is the study of color?

     We have a new student.  Meet Jingle, our elf.  I'm sure he'll only be reporting good news to anyone who will listen.

     We learned about three different shapes today: squares, rectangles and quadrilaterals.  All squares are rectangles but all rectangles are not squares.  Ask your child to explain why?

     Our second grade class knows this big word...expository writing.  This book was a great example of it.  It's writing that explains or informs.  We learned some interesting chameleon facts.  The boy in the story was trying to persuade us in believing that chameleons are cool.   It worked on me.  They seem super cool.

     Did you get to the Festival on the Common this weekend?  Brrrrr it was cold.  Here is a picture of the Wyman tree.  Second grade made the peppermint ornaments.  They came out great.

     Lastly, I visited my brother yesterday and his living room was FULL with items to be donated in Shane's name.  It was positively breathtaking and brought joy to my heart!!!