Monday, December 2, 2013


     Today was very exciting.  First thing this morning, we were invited to a special class on light presented by the Discovery Museum and sponsored by the PTO.  It was great fun.  We learned that color was a form on energy.  We used prisms, magnifying glasses, made tops, reflected colors (but not black), and had fun.  Did you know that chromatography is the study of color?

     We have a new student.  Meet Jingle, our elf.  I'm sure he'll only be reporting good news to anyone who will listen.

     We learned about three different shapes today: squares, rectangles and quadrilaterals.  All squares are rectangles but all rectangles are not squares.  Ask your child to explain why?

     Our second grade class knows this big word...expository writing.  This book was a great example of it.  It's writing that explains or informs.  We learned some interesting chameleon facts.  The boy in the story was trying to persuade us in believing that chameleons are cool.   It worked on me.  They seem super cool.

     Did you get to the Festival on the Common this weekend?  Brrrrr it was cold.  Here is a picture of the Wyman tree.  Second grade made the peppermint ornaments.  They came out great.

     Lastly, I visited my brother yesterday and his living room was FULL with items to be donated in Shane's name.  It was positively breathtaking and brought joy to my heart!!!

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