Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Letter to Jingle

     Today we wrote Jingle, our elf, a letter.  In it we asked him to let the Big Guy know that many of us need new school supplies: glue sticks, crayons, homework folders and the like.  I hope he passes the message along.

     Remember, Friday we will be walking to the movies and having our holiday party.  Please pack an extra party snack.  Keep in mind we aren't allowed to pass out food to our friends.

     Like to plan ahead?  After vacation, I will be asking each child to bring in a picture of themselves for a writing assignment.  Be sure it's not just a head shot because they will be writing about where they are and what they are doing.  It doesn't have to be a recent photo.

    Two more wake-ups before vacation.  Whoo hoo!

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