Thursday, January 30, 2014


     Are you kidding me?  It's almost February?  Where does the time go?  We've really had a great week in class.  It actually felt nice to have a full uninterrupted week (remind me that I said that in March when there are longggg stretches of uninterrupted weeks).  Term 2 has ended which means the year is half way over.

    We started reading a new chapter book, Horrible Harry and the Dragon War and we are reading lots of Tacky books.  We even read a Tacky play today.   Tacky  is "an odd bird, but a good bird to have around."  Ask you child to tell you about some of Tacky's adventures.  We will dig in to some non-fiction penguin books soon.

     We made Superbowl and Groundhog Day predictions.  I hope Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see it's shadow so that spring can hurry up and arrive.  Spring training will be here before you know it.  GO SOX!

     I hope those of you who have had a chance to read our class writings have enjoyed doing so.  For those of you still waiting, we made a class book of the writing assignment we used our action photos for (photos not included).  Each child will get a chance to bring it home for an evening to share with their families.  The students are super excited about this and we hope families are too.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014


OOPS!  You may or may not have received an email in regards to grades.  These were sent in error and will be appropriately sent on Feb. 4th.  Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Term 2 Conferences

Hi.  Click HERE sign up for term 2 parent conferences on Thursday, Feb. 6. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm Back

     It was good to be back at school today after being under the weather for so many days but it doesn't seem like it'll be for long.  We may all be under the weather tomorrow-SNOW.  We will have to just wait and see.

     We started Fundations Unit 8 today.  We practiced words with bossy r (ar and or).  The r is so bossy it changes the sound of the vowel.  For example: party, orbit, farm.

     We found the perimeter of some shapes and practiced measuring.  We finished reading our Jigsaw Jones mystery.  Ask your child who committed the crime and why.  We will be turning our planet info sheet from last week's homework into a report this week so if you didn't pass it in, do so ASAP.

     The most exciting news of the day was that we got cards and homemade bookmarks from our pen pals. YIPPEE

Monday, January 13, 2014


     We started measuring with inches today.  We estimated how long we thought an object was then measured with rulers.  Try some measurement estimation at home.  We will be working with centimeters later this week.

     There are seven continents and five oceans and by the end of the week your child will be able to identify them all on a map.  They will be tested on this Friday.  There should be a study guide in their folder and we'll be practicing in class.

     Did you hear the exciting news?  The food fortress that the high school students started in the fall has been named after the Wyman School.  We were the school that donated the most cans for this cause.  Many families will benefit from your generosity so give yourselves a pat on the back.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moon Phases

     Did your child check out the moon tonight?  It's clear and bright.  We have started studying the solar system and will be learning all about the phases of the moon.  I thought it would be fun to try to chart the moon each evening to watch for the pattern in how it changes.  Our science word of the day was constellation.  I taught them this cool phrase:  My Very Excellent Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizzas.  See if they remember what it's for.  We will be staring a little home research report on a planet next week, so get ready for that.

     Our math word of the day was congruent.  I was singing it all afternoon.  We had to identify congruent shapes today.  Did you get an analog clock yet (the one with the hands)?  We will be reading them soon enough and I know you want to practice with your child at home.  :-)

     We started a class book this week.  It's a Jigsaw Jones mystery.  We've been learning some "sick" snowboarding lingo from the book.  I wonder who stole the lucky bandana?  We also read two Jan Brett books today.  I just love The Mitten, clearly the kids did to.

     We did some ZIPPY writing today and graded our assignments as a class.  It was fun.  You may be interested to know that the students were handing out 4's like crazy.  I was more of a 3 girl.  You can ask your child what that means.  The good news is that from here on out our writing will have bold beginnings and zippy words.

     Remember that Friday is a half day!


Thursday, January 2, 2014


     Happy New Year everyone.  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday break and are enjoying the extra few days :-).  I love snowstorms so I think 2014 is starting off on the right foot.  I wish you all a year full of happiness, health, love and laughter!!!