Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I'm Back

     It was good to be back at school today after being under the weather for so many days but it doesn't seem like it'll be for long.  We may all be under the weather tomorrow-SNOW.  We will have to just wait and see.

     We started Fundations Unit 8 today.  We practiced words with bossy r (ar and or).  The r is so bossy it changes the sound of the vowel.  For example: party, orbit, farm.

     We found the perimeter of some shapes and practiced measuring.  We finished reading our Jigsaw Jones mystery.  Ask your child who committed the crime and why.  We will be turning our planet info sheet from last week's homework into a report this week so if you didn't pass it in, do so ASAP.

     The most exciting news of the day was that we got cards and homemade bookmarks from our pen pals. YIPPEE

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