Thursday, January 30, 2014


     Are you kidding me?  It's almost February?  Where does the time go?  We've really had a great week in class.  It actually felt nice to have a full uninterrupted week (remind me that I said that in March when there are longggg stretches of uninterrupted weeks).  Term 2 has ended which means the year is half way over.

    We started reading a new chapter book, Horrible Harry and the Dragon War and we are reading lots of Tacky books.  We even read a Tacky play today.   Tacky  is "an odd bird, but a good bird to have around."  Ask you child to tell you about some of Tacky's adventures.  We will dig in to some non-fiction penguin books soon.

     We made Superbowl and Groundhog Day predictions.  I hope Punxsutawney Phil doesn't see it's shadow so that spring can hurry up and arrive.  Spring training will be here before you know it.  GO SOX!

     I hope those of you who have had a chance to read our class writings have enjoyed doing so.  For those of you still waiting, we made a class book of the writing assignment we used our action photos for (photos not included).  Each child will get a chance to bring it home for an evening to share with their families.  The students are super excited about this and we hope families are too.

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