Monday, March 3, 2014

Comfy fun

     Read Across America Day was a success in our class today.  Everyone looked comfy cozy with their stuffy's and pj's.  We had three different sprawled out reading sessions.  Around 9:00 we spread out and read to ourselves for about 20 minutes.  After computers, around 11:40, we got to read with friends of our choice for a bit.  Then after lunch we read with our second grade neighbors.  It was super fun!

     I have declared an XTRAMATH challenge and the other second grade is joining in.  By the end of March, every second grader will have competed XTRAMATH addition.  This is absolutely a reasonable goal for us (for first graders too).  Many have reached this months ago and others have a longggg way to go.  Your child must long on often, practice makes perfect.  If you cannot log on at home, please let me know and I will get you the set-up information again.  I will make time available in class for those who don't have computer access.  The link to XTRAMATH is located on the side of this page.

     Friday we will be having a state test.  A practice page was sent home today and we will be practicing (a lot) in class.  The children will have to locate CA, FL, TX, SC (for our pen pals) and each New England state on a blank map.  I'll give them the name of the state and they will mark it appropriately.  For example, I'll say "color Massachusetts blue, Maine green, put a T on Texas" etc.

     Save the date, April 3rd.  Kindergarten, first and second graders will be taking a field trip to see a production of Henry and Mudge.  Permission slips should be coming home soon so keep an eye open for them.

     Gym has been changed this week.  We are SUPPOSED to have gym on Wednesday BUT due to some conflicts, we will have it on Friday for this week.  It's just a one time change.

     Reminder, animal project question sheets are due on Friday.  Make sure your child understands what he/she writes. =)

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