Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Student Council

     Yesterday, our student council, which has two representatives from our class, put on an assembly kicking off their fundraiser idea.  The Wyman is collecting change and goods to help support the Northeast Animal Shelter.  A volunteer from the shelter came and spoke all about the shelter.  I wouldn't be surprised if every student went home asking for a puppy.  The thought even crossed my mind (for about 10 seconds) and I am NOT an animal person.

     Second graders are ROCKING the announcements this week.  Everyone, so far, has come over that speaker loud and clear.

     We finished reading Flat Stanley today.  Poor little guy thought he was going to Africa to see a flat skull just like his.  Instead, it was just a fish skull.  Stanley was disappointed, but boy did the Lambchop boys have an adventure.  We wrote about three different story events in our journal today.



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