Saturday, March 22, 2014

Morning Announcements

     Exciting news!  It's our turn to do the morning announcement.  The students are ecstatic.    Two students will head down to the office first thing in the AM to announce birthdays, lunch menu, recycling team and start the Pledge.  They've all been assigned days and can't wait.

      Every student presented their animal projects to the class.  I had planned to spread the presentations out over the week but they were too excited so we did them all in two days.  It's not easy to wait.  The children did an excellent job and were very knowledgeable about their animals.
hallway board

     We did some writing about spring.  The students did a fabulous job describing spring with zippy words.  Their sentences had sparkle and pizazz.  Ask them what a fantastic sentence should sound like if it's zippy.

     The student have been working hard on various St. Patrick games this week.  I shouldn't call them games.  Work stations would be a better choice.  I'll have to remember that for next year.  Here's a peek at a few of them.
missing addends
sentence sort

     Trivia night was a huge success and a lot of fun.  Mandy Sawicki did a fabulous job organizing.   If you haven't ever been, mark your calendar for next year.   You don't want to miss it.


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