I have been really enjoying all the poetry we've been surrounded by. The children did an excellent job presenting their poems to the class last week. Some students even wrote their own. I can't wait to hear the poems this week.
We have been writing poems like crazy in class. We wrote diamante poems about boys/girls and acrostic poems about sharks and spring. Our hallway looks fabulous with all the poetry.
Today we created adjective rainbows about ourselves to decorate the hallway as well. They look great. Stay tuned for photos later in the week.
We read a little about Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. She was so brave and heroic. We were all impressed by her.
In math, we will be diving into the world of graphing. The weather is getting warmer, thank goodness. Please keep in mind that although outside may be sixty and warm the building stays cold until summer really kicks in. Think of that as your child is picking out their outfits. Also, sandal weather will be here before you know it. Be sure your child has appropriate footwear for recess, something great for running and climbing.
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