Tuesday, March 31, 2015

April Fools

     Oh no!   Tomorrow is the dreaded April Fools Day.  Kids just LOVE to try to trick their teacher.  Well, it just isn't going to happen.  I'm far to clever to fall for any of their shenanigans.  I wonder if I'll be able to fool them at all?  hmmmmmmm   We will have to wait and see.

     The students have started to present their biographies and boy-oh-boy are they doing a fabulous job.  Be sure to check out Edline this weekend.  I'll have some pictures of our famous second graders posted by then.

     We were super lucky to get a new student this week.  She is a lovely little girl and a fantastic addition to our classroom.

     We are reading all about 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.  I think we've gotten to chapter 4.  This book is full of interesting facts about the White House.  Did you know that it wasn't always called that?   It was once burned down, too.  The only thing saved was a painting of George Washington and some walls.  We will keep reading all this week so be sure to ask your child for some more interesting facts.

     Tomorrow is Walking Wednesday.  We've had that trophy in our room all year.  I think everyone would be sad to see it go.

     My training for the Boys Club 5K was going great but has stalled slowed just a bit.  I've got to get right back at it.  Just over a month left.........I think I can, I think I can, I think  know I CAN!!!!

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