Tuesday, March 3, 2015

What Time is It?

     You won't be hearing that much longer.  Your learner has started telling time today.  The good news is that most of the students already knew how......YIPPEE!  Practice reading clocks at home.  Hopefully you have an analog clock to practice with.  Don't forget to add A.M. and P.M.

     Yesterday was FUN.  We all got comfy and read quietly for 15 minutes before recess, after recess and after lunch.  On Friday, a student told me she was concerned that she may be teased because her comfy thing was "babyish".  We discussed this as a class and assured her that we all had favorite comfy things and teasing would never happen in our caring environment.  This led us to an excellent text connection when we started Monday morning reading Ira Sleeps Over.  Ira is invited to his first sleepover and has a big problem (mostly caused by his sister).  I tear up whenever I read this aloud.  It's not at ALL sad, just sooooooo darn cute.  It's definitely one of my favorites.  

     We had two guest readers, Mrs. Elin and Mrs. Mahoney.  They both read CRAZY books about pigeons.  One pigeon wanted to drive a bus and another wanted to stay up late.  Be sure to ask you child all about these stories.  

     Subtraction with regrouping is going SPLENDIDLY.  I'm so please with how hard the students are working.  In writing today, we wrote about getting ready for bed.  Students used their transition words (first, next, after that, finally etc) and added details.  


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