Sunday, March 15, 2015


     Happy almost St. Patrick's Day everyone.  We all got a taste of spring fever last week and boy did that feel good.  Looking forward to getting bit by that bug again.  Glancing at the calendar, we are so busy that it will be here  before you know it.

     Biography project directions went home last week.  Children are to pick a famous person from HISTORY (Tom Brady doesn't cut it) to research and present to the class.  This project is just like the animal one.  Notes will be completed at home (you should have those already), we will turn it into a report in class, then read our reports to the class.  Children are encouraged to dress up or bring in a prop representing their person.  This is supposed to be fun not stressful.  A simple construction paper hat for Abe Lincoln is enough.  Notes are due on Monday, March 23h.

     We have been testing like crazy last week.  We completed a city wide math, reading and writing assessment.  I was quite please with how well the children did but I'm glad it's over.  It's not very fun.

     If you haven't had a chance to meet Sprinkle or Sparkle yet get ready.  They are twin stuffed dragons that have been visiting homes with diaries this past week.  I cannot tell them apart but the students can.  One has a broken leg.  He fell out of bed but I bet he'll be back to himself in no time.   We read a story titled Missing: One Stuffed Rabbit and it inspired us to have a class pet just like the class in the story.   These little guys have been around for a few years and you'll be able to read about some of their past adventures in the diaries.

    The teachers at the Linscott School have been training for the Boys Club 5K.  I decided to take the challenge and quite a few Wyman teachers have jumped on board to.  It's a walk/run 5K (3.2 miles) that starts at Library park on May 3rd.  I was very excited to join and told the kids all about it.  Of course now they are all excited for it.  I predicted that I may win but honestly I'm just hoping to run MOST of it.  Click here for a link with information about it if anyone is interested.  I've heard that it has been lots of fun in years past.

    The second trimester ends this Wednesday.  That means report cards will be coming home sometime the following week.  Here are some of the learning centers we've been "playing".

matching shapes

counting coins

snowmen fact families

word sort
      If you haven't heard yet.  We will have a half day of school on Good Friday, April 3rd.

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