Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pete and Clark

     We've had lots of fun with literature this past week.  We continued reading Pete the Cat books.  Do students ever get sick of Pete?  "Goodness, No!!!"  That quote is from Pete himself.  We also looked up some fun Pete videos and songs on line.  Click HERE for Pete's website.   You will find some fun stuff to check out.

     Clark the Shark was a class favorite too.  He's a BIG shark that has started school and wants to do good but sometimes he's just not sure how.  We had fun reading about some of his adventures.

     In math, students have been making lots of partners.  The partners of 6 are 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, and 5+1.  We have also been doing some simple addition and subtraction problems.  Practice with your child at home you can use small object (like cereal, paperclips etc) as counters if you need to.

     We also have been writing and reading!  Very exciting stuff.  Children have been writing sentences every day and they just keep getting better and better, longer and longer.  Whoo hoo!

     Reminder, Tuesday is picture day and Thursday is a half day.  Dismissal will be at 12:30.

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