Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Last Week

     It's been a VERY busy two weeks.  We visited the Discovery Museum and had a great time.  There were so many hands on activities and we had the whole place to ourselves.  Such fun!  The museum is in the process of building a tree house.  The "tree house show" people are building it.  I love that show but not sure the real name of it.  We didn't see any of the show's stars but I can't wait to see the finished product.  It should be ready mid July. 
      Field day was a huge success.  Mrs. Crampton does an excellent job organizing and the parent volunteers rock.  The weather was absolutely perfect and a good time was had by all. 

     Today we walked down to see Finding Dory.  Super cute movie.  Dory remembers her mom and dad and is on a quest to find them.  She has some old and new friends helping her along the way. 

    Friday, our LAST DAY, will be here in a blink.  Remember dismissal is at 12:00.  I hope you all have a wonderful summer.  Be sure to check back here in the upcoming months.  I plan on posting some of my summer fun!

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