Well it really isn't a big week but it IS the first full week of school and we are jumping right into it. Hopefully we all make it through. Today we started in on some of our reading and workbooks. I can't remind you enough to READ with your children EVERY NIGHT. I'm telling you, it will make a WORLD of difference. We also went to the computer room. We had a firedrill and worked on cool posters that we will hang out in the hall for all to view on back to school night, which is next Thursday, Sept. 20th from 6-8. Don't forget to mark your calendars. Wednesday, we have gym and this Thursday, the Woburn Police Department will be presenting a program on bicycle safety to the first and second graders. BUSY BUSY BUSY
Here's a little something that made me smile from last week. The children were asked to write what they were most looking forward to this year. Some wrote recess, others wrote math (yippee). There were two that had me giggling. One student was looking forward to the last day of school (can't blame him) another was looking forward to third grade. Apparently, that student can't wait to get out. hee hee