Today we went to the computer lab and started our XTRAMATH journey. The children took their online placement tests and should be playing at the right level for them. Hopefully, you received your instructions on how to set up XTRAMATH at home. XTRAMATH is a timed math program that progresses in difficulty as children master facts. After addition, it moves onto subtraction, then multiplication and even division for those who are up for the challenge. It's important that you sign up correctly because your child can earn certificates and get credit from the reports the program generates for me. One of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for math is to memorize math facts up to twenty. This program will certainly help do that.
Spellingcity is another fun site. This one is for practicing our spelling words. Search for POTAMIS in the search teacher window and our lists are there for you to explore. The links to both spellingcity and xtramath are right on this page under links for easy access.
Reminder: Wednesday is an early release day. Dismissal is at 12:30. Thursday is OPEN HOUSE NIGHT from 6-8. Please make every effort to attend. I have so much to share.