Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Day

Phew! We all survived. It was a great day! We played a get to know each other game. We had to ask classmates questions and they put their initials on our sheet if it matched them. Apparently, I was the the only one who wears glasses so I got to fill out that square on everyone's paper.  We played an I Have, Who Has game to see how much we knew about the school.  We then read a book titled First Day Jitters.  Ask your child about the surprise ending. We talked about things that may have made us nervous before school started and even wrote about a few of them.  I told them I was afraid the children would be mean.  We had recess that EVERYONE thought was much shorter than last year (it wasn't).  The students wrote a bit about themselves and what they enjoyed this summer.  We even had a practice fire drill.  Our classroom had to double as the lunch room today because of elections.  It was a fun day. Hopefully everyone is willing to come back tomorrow because we have GYM (always a class favorite) so please wear appropriate shoes.