Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Say Cheese

      Another reminder that picture day is this Thursday.  It's been a crazy week.  I always have BIG plans and the week flies by with me only denting the list.  We have been reading Mr. Putter plays.  Not sure the children this year love reading plays as much as in the past.  I think they are wanting to perform.  Not sure I have the energy time for that.  We'll have to wait and see.  We read a lot of plays during the year.  As their reading improves, they will be able to READ more in character and hopefully that will be enough for them.  
      We also started reading Amber Brown is not a Crayon.  Actually for the first half chapter we started listening to it on CD.  The narrator was AWFUL.  So we stopped the CD and I took turns with some students reading aloud.    We have finished two chapters about Amber and her best friend Justin.  It inspired us to write and illustrate a paragraph or two about our best friends.  
      In honor of the spelling challenge, Friday is "wear a shirt with words" day.  I've narrowed it down to either my Red Sox, Patriot or Clemson Tiger tee.  (Easy to narrow seeings how those are my only wordy shirts).  It's a tough decision.  Maybe I'll have the kids vote on it tomorrow.  The principal also gave the whole school a challenge to spell MASSACHUSETTS correctly.  I'm proud to say that I was the star speller one student came so close.  He just forgot to double the last T.  I think that is super impressive.  Now I know who my go to speller will be when I get stumped.  Don't forget to keep plugging away at xtramath.  Memorizing those facts will make life easier.

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