Friday, December 7, 2012

Best Day Ever

     Yesterday was my birthday.  I know what you are thinking.  Aren't you at an age when you stay in bed all day and hope no one notices you are a year older?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  I love my birthday.  Let me tell you why.  I received a stack of love notes, hearts, pictures, and cards from students who worked on them all day by "sneaking" their creativity as soon as they had a free second.  I was visited and sung to by THREE classrooms.  I was surrounded by children who appreciate the fact that you should feel special all day on your birthday.  Best of all, when I told them I turned 22 MOST of them believed me.  One students who questioned it said he knew for a fact I was 32.  Everybody was ON BOARD with that.  It gets even better.  When I admitted to 32 and proclaimed that "I look WAYYYY younger than that."  Thirteen little heads nodded in absolute sincere agreement.  What's not to love about THAT?

     We had a gingerbread kind of day yesterday.  We sorted gingerbread sentences.  We grouped gingerbread synonyms and we colored by reading our ordinal numbers.  Some students got to create gingerbread cookies on the computer.  We ran out of time so click here for the link so your child can play at home.  Our computer room got new lap tops this week-YIPPEE.  I promise the children we'd hit the gingerbread site on Monday in the computer lab as well.

   Our elf, Dasher has been a bit mischievous.  He made a mess-TWICE.  Thank goodness for my birthday he was VERY WELL behaved.

     We're still reading Anansi stories and started Stink.  Ask your child to tell you all about them.  We have also been practicing for the Holiday Show which is next Friday at 1:30.  I'll send the songs home next week so your child can practice some more.

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