Wednesday, December 19, 2012


     What a fantastic day.  We were super lucky to have four moms come in and lead us in some great crafts.  The children made cool snowmen and a beautiful hanging snowflake mobile.  Everyone loved it. Me most of all, because these ladies did all the work from planning, implementing to cleanup.  I sat back and drank my tea.  That is MY kind of craft.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!

     This afternoon we "played" in three different learning centers.  We added candy cards with regrouping, wrote long silly sentences and made words plural.  By 2:40 I felt like the poster child for a calgon commercial--"Calgon take me away"--but to be honest, I wouldn't trade a second of it.

     I'm pleased to report that Dasher the elf has been behaving beautifully.  He has even surprised us a few times.  He put festive, sparkly, warm fuzzies in our jar and left some holiday pencils for us.  I'm sure that he's been reporting only good news about us to anyone who cares to listen.

     Friday is a half day and PAJAMA DAY for the whole school.  So wear your pj's and pack your robe and slippers.  We are also having our class party so don't forget to send in a snack and drink.

     Now is a great time to replenish your child's school supplies.  It's amazing how short lived crayons, scissors, markers etc. are in a second grade classroom.  I wonder if some creature comes in and eats them after dark?  HMMMMM

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