Monday, December 17, 2012

Home Stretch

     We are coming to the home stretch.  A few more days until Christmas break and excitement is mounting.  I hope everyone feels relaxed, ready and peacefully enjoying the season.

     We have an exciting week planned with all sorts of fun crafts and activities.  Tomorrow is our day to shop at the Holiday Workshop.  Gifts (for immediate family members only) will be on sale for a dollar each.  Wednesday we have some parent volunteers leading us in a craft or two.  Friday morning we will be joining Ms. Cotter's class for our party and sing/dance along, which is great fun.  The children will have to bring in their own treats and drinks.  Dismissal is at 12:30 and our party starts at 9AM so keep that in consideration when you are packing a party snack.  I suggest a donut or muffin, but it's your call.

     We went to the computer room today and played a telling time game.   I hope the children learned something new.  I did-I learned very few of them can tell time.  Please practice at home.  Click here and here for the games we played today.

     Be sure your child keeps plugging away at xtramath and finishes all his/her homework this week (wink wink).  I thought you'd appreciate the room cleaning and household help.  That's my little holiday gift to you.


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