Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2nd Grade Parents Rock

     The Wyman staff has been spoiled this month.  Parent's from each grade have fattened  us up with either a luncheon or breakfast twice a week.  Today was 2nd grade's turn and it ROCKED.  Hands down the best so far!!!  Thank you.  It is super appreciated.

     I  hope you've had a chance to check out the website set up to help the St. Martin Family. One of our own kindergarten mothers is battling breast cancer with three boys aged 8 months-six years of age.  Any support you can offer I'm sure will help her manage the road ahead.  Please click here to lend a helping hand or contact Mrs. Connors for more details.  If anyone wants to send in a cash donation, I will be sure to put it toward a dinner gift card for the family.  Just mark the envelope Helping Hand and send it in with your child.

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