Monday, May 13, 2013

Fairy Tales

     Today we started our fairy tale unit.  I LOVE this unit.  We will be reading all sorts of fairy tales and fractured fairy tales.  The best part is reading Cinderellas from all over the world.  We started today by brainstorming a list of fairy tales we already know, reading Rumpelstiltskin and listing some of the elements of a fairy tale. We will dive into that more tomorrow.  I found this website that teaches all about fairy tale elements while reading Cinderella to you.  Click here to check it out.

     A happy belated Mother's Day to all you mom's out there.  I hope your day was wonderful and you were pampered by your family.  I had a great day.  I spent the day with my husband and sons and I spent the evening with my daughter and mom.  We had a fantastic night.  Kaycie, my daughter, booked a paint night for Mom and me.  We had a nice dinner then a paint lesson right in the restaurant.  Trust me when I say I have NO artistic ability but I thought my painting came out GREAT.  They all did. Click here for the company website.

          We will be performing in the Memorial Day Program, which will be Friday, May 24th at 1:30.

      Last chance to share your home address with your child's pen pal.  Send in a note with your address (if you haven't already) if you want me to share your address with them.

     Did you hear all about the circus?  It really was fantastic and I think everyone had a good time.

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