Sunday, May 26, 2013


     Broadway here we come.  The students were so fantastic in the the Memorial Day program that I'm sure Broadway is in the future of quite a few of young ones.  As a fan of musical theater, I expect all my tickets comped. Hee hee

     Apparently, I'm not the ONLY cool one in the school.  Check out this picture.
     Keep your eyes on the weather.  It looks like summer will be here by the end of this week. Although I'm looking forward to the beach, I'm not looking forward to a HOT classroom.

     Did you check out my new "blog bling"?  I love it.  It's the flashing circle to the right.  Blog bling is not a term I made up, it's what all the bloggy people call it.  I'm looking forward to having NOTHING to do and catching up on some books I've been wanting to read.  Here's how I count down~only 5 more Wednesdays left of school.

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