Friday, May 17, 2013

Cinderella and Magnets

     We have been reading a different Cinderella each day.  We've read The Egyptian Cinderella, The Korean Cinderella, Tattercoats, and Yeh-Shen.  Be sure to have your child tell you about the similarities and differences in each country's story.  We still have LOTS more to go.  Perhaps we'll start "two a days" next week - hee hee.

     We have had some magnet fun with our science unit on forces and motion.  We've played, made predictions and conducted a few experiments with magnets this week.  More magnet fun to come next week as well.

     Miss Dulong, our high school helper, has left us for bigger and better things.  She's off to Saint Anselm's in the fall.  We will certainly miss her and wish her all the best.

     Our biographies have all been presented and are proudly displayed on our bulletin board.  The children did an OUTSTANDING job with their projects.

     The school is collecting can goods to help Social Concern feed hungry families throughout the summer.  Please consider donating a non-perishable food item to our second grade collection box.

     I do have some disappointing news to report.  Our class had to be given assigned seating in the lunch room.  Our behavior has been less than desirable in the cafeteria.   I'm expecting all great reports from here on out.  We want to earn extra recess by completing the rays on our sun.

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