Monday, May 20, 2013


     Hi all!  We had the best day ever today!  The children were so well behaved, that I wondered if it was even my class.  We all earned warm fuzzies and signed the gold book as a class.  The day absolutely flew by and was full of laughs.  It was a day that reminds me how much I love my job.

     We started with more Cinderella.  We read Princess Furball, which was quite different than the other Cinderella stories we've read and one that the children have been anxious to read.  We then moved on to the play Cinderella Bigfoot.  Boy did the children enjoy that story!!  Some of them were laughing so hard that they could barely read their lines.  It was great fun.  We loved it so much, I think we will change rolls and read it again tomorrow.

     We got handmade postcards from our pen pals too.  This is their last week of school.  We quickly made them bookmarks with some summer reading suggestions from each of us.  I put them into the mail and their teacher said she'd mail them to the students along with their report cards.

      I am personally feeling SUPER hip these days.  This weekend, I took the family to Library Park for the Relay for Life.  While there, I got this super cool purple streak in my hair.  Then today, a wonderfully creative parent used my hand as a palatte for this totally awesome henna tattoo.  I L-O-V-E it.  My daughter is SOOO jealous and I feel like a million bucks!
tattoo step one 
finished product
Bad Picture but COOL hair
     Remember, progress reports go home Friday and closed toe shoes must be worn on the climbing structure for recess.  Pack safe shoes for your child to change into for recess if they are wearing sandals.  

     Here are some more pics from our classroom.

charting our stories

Learing about magnets

Our biographies

     Memorial Day program Friday at 1:30!


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